Are you eager to learn? From prevention to maintenance, including what to do in a crisis situation, these practical tips and tricks could save you a lot of plumbing hassles. Read our blog for professional advice…
The Benefits of a Backwater Valve
The Benefits of a Backwater Valve: Protect Your Home All Year Round A backwater valve is more than just a plumbing fixture. It’s a crucia [...]
Why Install a Backwater Valve?
Why Installing a Backwater Valve is Essential to Protect Your Home Against Flooding Floods can cause immense damage to your property and [...]
4 signs that a plumbing emergency is about to happen under your roof
Careful! While you relax in your living room, your plumbing might be conspiring without your knowledge to give you a few cold sweats. Learn [...]
How to reduce your hot water consumption (even more!)
Saving water is good. Saving water and money is even better! We told you about it earlier, sometimes it only takes a few gestures to make y [...]
How to pay less for hot water
Yes, saving hot water saves you from touching the bottom of the tank and experiencing a cold shower. But unless your favorite activity cons [...]
When should I call a professional plumber?
DIY kings, kludge masters and Sunday Mr. Fix-Its would say “Never!” However, we’d raise our hand to express our reservations. While making [...]
5 additional tips to ensure the health of your plumbing
When it comes to making a run for the living room TV remote or segueing 180 degrees during an uncomfortable discussion, you're tough to bea [...]
6 easy tips to care for your plumbing
New resolutions for a new year. Don't have the soul of a marathoner? Maybe you should stop running after trouble! Believe it when we say th [...]
3 reasons to check your drains before landscaping
Has the spring weather reawakened your desire to improve your property? Before starting any major landscaping projects, you may want to che [...]
3 pro tips for a healthy and long-lived water heater
According to a recent study*, 100% of Canadians like to get hot water when they turn on the tap. We enjoy this simple urban-life pleasure t [...]
A practical sewer backup guide
One major thaw in winter or a heavy rainfall in the summer can quickly trigger a flood. Your drain may be full to bursting. If it isn’t in [...]
Natural gas, propane or heating oil: Three easy steps to discover your heart’s desire
When it comes to powering your life, electricity may be your OTP, but are you ready to move on to a new relationship? Should you choose nat [...]
5 resolutions for a more functional home
Do you have a big family? Has your bathroom started to look like Highway 10 during rush hour? Since it's resolution season, why not make a [...]
4 gift ideas to treat yourself (or prevent water damage!)
Would you need a second neck to wear all the ties hanging in your closet? One more bottle of bath salts and you’ll need to build an extensi [...]
Foundation drain: everything you need to know to keep your feet dry
Determined to combine your two passions this season: cursing winter while putting your talents as a Sunday handyman to good use? That makes [...]
Fall tasks: how to prevent water damage the easy or the hard way
Like an insistent mother-in-law who "just wants to lend a helping hand," fall has arrived at your doorstep and is planning to settle in for [...]
Closing your cottage for the winter in six easy steps
When swimming in the lake starts to feel like taking a bath in liquid nitrogen and your interest in daily cocktails on the patio starts to [...]
4 ways to take your water from potable to remarkable
Would you hesitate between drinking a big glass of tap water and getting a right hook to the jaw even during a heat wave? Then you need to [...]
5 questions to ask yourself before installing an outdoor shower
The “OMG, it’s so hot” season is fast approaching, and with it, an urgent desire to lower our body temperature. And, what’s the best soluti [...]
Moving plumbing essentials
Has your life of late been all about packing, wrapping and sealing boxes and eating pizza from a take-out cardboard box? Yup, you’ve just m [...]